



Release 0
In this release, we have made major improvements to the discovery process for new linters. When you now run
trunk check upgrade
we will do a full repo scan to discover and enable additional tools that match your repository. This could include tools we've added since you first initialized trunk or tools that are now applicable as you've added new technologies into your repo.
If we suggest a linter you are not interested in running you can block us from suggesting a tool by calling
trunk check disable <linter>
. The enabled/disabled lists are maintained in your
file so you can always tweak these entries by hand.
🎁 New Tools
✨ Improvements
  • trunk check enable <linter>
    will now enable a supported linter at the most up-to-date version
  • trunk check disable <linter>
    will mark a linter as disabled and block it from being suggested
  • trunk init
    trunk check upgrade
    now have progress reporting so you can get more detailed information as the tool is running
🔧 Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a rare bug in hold-the-line
  • Fixed several bugs in our parsing of
  • Trunk now recognizes more
  • trunk ignore-all
    now works correctly for pass_fail style linters
  • We now compute the merge base when using the git branch upstream as your trunk upstream instead of using it directly
  • trunk check upgrade
    will correctly version sub-packages for linters (eg. flake8)
  • trunk will no longer ignore files in a conflicted git state