I'm curious in trying out trunk in my setup and it works great! Except for the eslint formatter - since trunk uses packages installed under node_modules as per docs, it doesn't work if node_modules is not available (specifically when using yarn 2 PnP). I was wondering if there is a way make trunk and Yarn PnP get along.
I'm so far thinking of 3 possible ways to get it to work ad-hoc:
Installing the missing eslint packages through trunk (if supported)
Configuring the node environment somehow to hook into the PnP runtime
Creating a custom linter mimicking eslint but running it through yarn so that it's decoupled from trunk (IDK if there is a linter type available out of the box for this or if I'd have to use something like @microsoft/eslint-formatter-sarif to convert eslint's output to a compatible custom linter type for trunk)
If anyone has already tried this or if there are any tips on how to approach this I'd be grateful for the help! (edited)